It all seems so simple!

It was great to have Alex continue our series in 1 Thessalonians! If lockdown has involved lots of DIY for you maybe you can really relate to the idea of flat pack furniture being much more difficult to make than it looks! But what a wonderful reminder & encouragement that God takes ordinary people & enables them to follow his ways.

As with all instructions it’s best to take them step by step. What stood out to you in Alex’s sermon? Maybe you need peace or unity in a situation. Maybe God is calling you to take care of the weak or help those who are most in need. Maybe lockdown is starting to test your patience or you need to practice having “forgiveness as the hallmark of your life.”

As we head into this week let’s fix our eyes on the One who enables us to do all of those things.🛠


Keeping on the way with Jesus


Stay alert!